01892 740839 
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We are collecting videos to help boost hits to our youtube channel and therefore our website, increasing awareness of our brand and ultimately more sales for us. 
We want you to get involved with the chance to win £250 of goods and services from us. 
So send us in your videos! 
Videos should be anything related to gates and can be either educational, funny, artistic or informative, in fact it doesn’t matter as long as there are our gates in there somewhere. They can be in high definition, low definition, unedited, mobile phone videos, old movies or new movies. 
Include a title and a bit of information about your video, for example “This is some footage of our automatic gate. We had it installed back in 2004 and have been using it every day, etc.” 
Email your videos to video@fortknoxsecurity.ltd.uk or post it to our office on a CD-R clearly marked “Video Competition Entry” (Videos should be up to 10mins max.) 
Terms and Conditions: 
Videos will be released to the general public via our youtube channel and may be chosen to appear on our blog or facebook page too. Videos will never be sold or released to any third party. No inappropriate material will be considered or published. Results of the winner will be published publicly and this competition will run until a predetermined amount of videos have been submitted to Fort Knox Security Ltd. Winner will be decided by who has the most you tube hits in a given month beginning when Fort Knox Security Ltd has had enough entrants and monitors all the videos over a period of thirty days. Prize of £250 worth of our products at standard retail price including servicing, call outs, transmitters and automation and will be in the form of a credit on the winners account. Prize money may be used as credit against invoices. 
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